We want it all because food should be delicious... even when you're on an elimination diet and it has to be allergen-free!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Lunch on Friday, 6/26/15

On the menu:

IMS is the one having the interesting Elimination Diet lunch today. He had a lunch appointment scheduled with a friend, so he redirected that meeting to a local place that cooks food fresh at the time of order and uses very natural, whole, healthy ingredients. 

Hooray, The Cutting Edge Café, for being willing to prepare this bowl to order, according to what my hubby can have on this Elimination Diet!

Again, I'm missing the splash of color that a colored pepper or a tomato or a strawberry would provide. The only-tan-and-tree meals are getting to me!

(Given what I know of the foods he's eliminating, my guess is that this is a bowl of baby kale and arugula, topped with chicken cooked with only olive oil and salt, pepper, and garlic. I also see what looks like goat cheese and maybe onion. I'm sure it's topped off with olive oil and lime, since that's all he can have like that. I'm surprised he didn't add avocado, which he can also have, and which I'm sure they have.)

Thank you, Cutting Edge! To know that I will be able to eat out sometime during the next four months is super nice! We're so thankful for you!

EL and I will be having a repeat of Wednesday's lunch (corn tortillas with avocado)

OG packed leftovers from last night to take with her to work.

Actually, I received the following photo and text from her: "Snack bar is making me a filet of fish cooked in olive oil. ☺️ Awww."

Of course, I take one look at that picture and my brain screams, "You can't have tomatoes!" (I hope she remembered that little fact.) and, "What kind of fish? All of us are having to eliminate different kinds!" Thankfully, a quick after-the-fact look at the list reveals she's only eliminating salmon. I think she's pretty safe that that isn't salmon.

So, all in all, today is a very good day for outside places being cooperative and accommodating. Yay!

On a side note, it is also day three, and we are all starting to experience some physical symptoms... headaches, grumpiness, exhaustion, foggy thinking. Not sure what that's all abouttoxin release, candida die-off, the flesh rearing its ugly head? At any rate, it took until now, the third day, to manifest itself. Interesting.

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