We want it all because food should be delicious... even when you're on an elimination diet and it has to be allergen-free!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Meals on Wednesday, 7/1/15


The girls are getting the hang of their restrictions, so each of them made herself an egg/omelette thing for breakfast according to allowances. (OG can only have whites. EL will take one extra yolk but not both!) Iivo grabbed something, but I'm not sure what. I ate leftover oatmeal from the fridge.


Again, Iivo and OG packed leftovers.
I ate two corn tortillas with avocado and bacon again. They are yummy and easy.
EL made herself a corn tortilla roll with almond butter and ate it with some leftover meatballs.


Tonight was the first Wednesday of the month, so our weekly prayer meetingwhich meets at our housewas scheduled to have a potluck! Oh, the torture! EV made some Creamy Walnut Pasta and I stir-fried some broccoli and onions to go in it. I put out some grapes (which only two of us can have) and sliced up a cucumber, and that was it. We watched in (semi-)agony (I am being dramatic!) as our friends ate things like fried chicken, baked salmon, grilled chicken, key lime pie, and fresh fruit tart. We survived, but it wasn't easy! It is easier to resist foods that aren't right under your nose! I've made my mouth water again just typing about it here. Man, how I wanted some of that fruit tart!

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